Low cost travel – how to find cheap flights

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Here are a few tips on how to get cheap flights and how I paid less than € 600,- for my direct flight from Vienna to Bangkok…there and back!

1. IP address

Start your search for cheap flights from a foreign IP address, like your partner’s laptop, your best friend’s tablet, your uncle’s mobile phone. Here you can really play with the data. If you look from the same IP address more than once, it will be saved and the next time more expensive. Because the algorithm knows that you are interested in the flight and may also be willing to pay more! 

If you are an Apple owner like me who not only has an iPhone but also a Mac, you tend to pay more when booking online. Generally, Apple users are considered to pay more.
The same goes for bus and train tickets, booking, airbnb, amazon & Co.

2. Time

Never search during the day, rather in the evening and if at all: at the weekend! In principle, you will find better fares from 9pm onwards, as most business trips are booked during the day, which is why prices are always more expensive there from the outset. 

3. Book

Book! As soon as you have found the right flight, go for it! And the best way to do that is from your own IP address. You can of course start the search from your mobile phone/PC and then book from another IP address.

My favourite address to search for flights: skyscanner*. But only to get an overview!
If you buy your tickets directly from the homepages of the airlines, you can save a lot here and there. Booking portals charge often more, especially for checked baggage.

Of course, the earlier your holiday time is fixed, the better! And if your schedule allows it, it’s better to travel in the low season. Saves money and your nerves. 

*no advertisment


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